The programme is research-oriented with each student being directly supervised by a faculty member.
MPhil Stream
- Complete all the graduate courses required by the Department.
- When deemed necessary by advisor/supervisor, student may be required to take other courses.
- Each MPhil student is required to give an oral presentation on his/her research progress.
- Each MPhil student is required to submit a thesis and pass the oral defence of the thesis for graduation.
PhD Stream
- Complete all the graduate courses required by the Department.
- When deemed necessary by advisor/supervisor, student may be required to take other courses.
- Each PhD student is required to pass a written candidacy examination within the maximum period of his/her candidacy stage for the advancement to his/her post-candidacy stage.
- Submit thesis proposal and defence.
- Each PhD student is required to submit a thesis and pass the oral defence of the thesis for graduation.
Fields of Specialization
Courses offered by the Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology concentrate on four areas: Business Economics, Management Information Systems, Operations Management and Quantitative Methods. In addition, cross-disciplinary research efforts are also carried out in many areas. The research activities of the faculty members can be broadly categorized into the following three areas:
1. Business/Managerial Economic Studies
The main objective of this field is to help students develop skills in conducting rigorous economic research on topics that are related to management and business decisions. Current faculty expertise covers a wide variety of fields, including studies of the behavioral economics, experimental economics, econometrics, game theory, political economy, empirical research methods with applications to financial markets, labor markets, and industrial organization. Examples of current faculty research include psychological influences on economic decision-making through experimental and empirical methods, causal inference using machine learning methods, welfare analysis of market concentration and job polarization, social networks and job search in local markets, and digital platforms’ choices in two-sided markets.
2. Management Information Systems
The Management Information Systems faculty at the CUHK Business School is focused on understanding the impact of digital technologies on consumers, firms, the economy, and society as a whole. This research group has diverse interests encompassing various application areas, including business analytics, digital finance, human-AI interaction, digital innovation/entrepreneurship, online platforms & markets, AI & machine learning, and experimental economics, among others. To explore these topics, the group employs a wide range of methodologies, including econometrics, experiments, machine learning, and surveys.
3. Operations Management
This area’s research focuses are the theoretical development and practical applications in the fields of operations management and operations research. Particular topics of interests include inventory management, supply chain management, revenue management and pricing, service operations management, operations-finance interface, operations-marketing interface, and operations-accounting interface. Particular methodologies of research include optimization theory, probability theory and statistics, game theory, econometrics, and machine learning.
Please visit the Division’s homepage for more information.